Bare Copper Cable; Multiple Core Round Flat Shape 150 Meters Long

Bare Copper Cable; Multiple Core Round Flat Shape 150 Meters Long

Bare copper cable has the highest electrical conductivity after silver

Stay with us to learn more about this widely used product

Bare Copper Cable

Today, one of the most widely used metals that play an important role in the transmission of electric current is copper

This metal is used in a variety of different projects such as internet information transmission and types of electric cables

One of the features of this metal that have made people use it abundantly is the high capacity of this product against heat

This type of metal is divided into different types in terms of construction and production

One of the types of copper wire that we deal with is bare copper cable

This wire is considered one of the most used metals in the electrical industry

The appearance and uncoated appearance of this product have made it used in special cases such as earthing systems

This metal has different characteristics and functions compared to its similar products

 Bare Copper Cable; Multiple Core Round Flat Shape 150 Meters Long

Bare Copper Cable Features

In addition to simplicity, bare or soft copper cable has the following features

This product has good flexibility and its cabling and connection work is done easily


150 M


Corrosion and Erosion Resistant

Round, Flat

Bare copper cable is resistant to all types of corrosion and erosion, and as a result, it has a long life

This product can be used in all electrical projects in large or small volumes and lengths and is considered an ideal option

Installation and commissioning of this type of cable are easy

This product consumes less energy and also has low electrical resistance

This type of metal has high mechanical resistance and can withstand more stresses

The elastic indices of copper are about 1
7 to 1
8 times higher than aluminum metal

 Bare Copper Cable; Multiple Core Round Flat Shape 150 Meters Long

Buy Bare Copper Cable

When buying a bare copper cable, you should consider various points

The first important issue at the time of purchase of bare copper cable is the “standard” of this product

After checking the relevant standards, you should pay attention to the brand and make sure that the brand name written on the cable is valid

Pay attention to the quality and cross-section of the bare copper cable and don’t forget that each cable has a unique identification card

This card contains information such as brand name, cable type, cable production date, standard code, and size

Be sure to buy your bare copper wire based on the wire and cable calculation table so that you don’t have serious problems regarding the current and ampere consumption

 Bare Copper Cable; Multiple Core Round Flat Shape 150 Meters Long

Bare Copper Cable Price + Buy and Sell

The price of bare copper cable is a very important factor that cannot be ignored

Various factors are effective in determining the price of this product, which include the following

The raw materials used in the bare copper cable can be very effective in determining the price of wire and cable

Also, if you choose coated wires, the price of the wire will certainly be higher, because an extra layer has been used during their manufacture

The amount of energy consumed and the amount of copper used are effective in determining the final price of these cables

The price of bare copper cable varies from 1 dollar to 4 dollars per meter

For more information about the price and choosing a quality cable, contact our colleagues

 Bare Copper Cable; Multiple Core Round Flat Shape 150 Meters Long

The Answer to Two Questions About Bare Copper Cable

1: How much is the price of bare copper cable per meter?
The price of bare copper cable varies from 1 dollar to 4 dollars per meter

2: What is bare wire cable?
Bare copper cable is a braided wire with no coating

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